Why I write

Michael "Mick" Bisignani
8 min readDec 18, 2022

The cathartic escape away from our daily hyper accelerated urban world

Photo by Leah Kelley: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-gray-typewriter-952594/

I recently met with some clients in a place where life is slightly slower than the hectic New York City suburbs, a place that is conveniently located in lower upstate New York where the feel is more rural, and in a sense, idyllic enough to make you reconsider past life choices. This small adventure made me reflect on why I write. It is a question that many creatives and…



Michael "Mick" Bisignani

Professional Technologist, Aspiring Food Celebrity. Catholic spreading messages of Empathy and Equality.