Pine resin flavored wine and “to die for” grilled seafood: Astoria Queens

Rediscovering one of NYC’s greatest ethnic enclaves that you won’t want to miss

Michael "Mick" Bisignani
11 min readOct 3, 2022
A view of Ditmars Blvd — Photo by Author

As an Italian-American man living in the New York metropolitan area, if you asked me what are my favorite places to visit in the area, I would most likely and consistently answer that Astoria, Queens was one of them. Sure, the island of Manhattan is fantastic, especially for first time visitors coming from aboard. It’s got everything: museums, cultural activities , yellow cabs, the NYC subway, noise, grime, countless Starbucks, and of course, a super diverse night scene. It’s layout is somewhat regular, so getting disoriented may take more effort than in other cities where streets and avenues do not criss-cross at ninety degrees. Have you ever seen a map of London ? Ask their cabbies. I have heard that it takes two to four years to become a licensed one in London.

But there are also places that New York offers that should be on your list. Some these places include ethnic enclaves such as Little Italy, historic districts such as Brooklyn Heights and New York’s Greenwich village. These are all great places but there is one that I visit with family and friends routinely, as often as every six weeks. That place is Astoria Queens.



Michael "Mick" Bisignani

Professional Technologist, Aspiring Food Celebrity. Catholic spreading messages of Empathy and Equality.